ENDURE will aim to implement a bottom-up approach to address inequalities and work in close collaboration with local authorities, civil society, communities and indigenous peoples and migrants.
ENDURE’s dissemination and communication plan will target three main groups:
(1) Policy-makers and practitioners both at local, national and transnational levels and other relevant civil society organizations,
(2) General public, and
(3) Scientific community
The impact-related activities and deliverables according to the target audiences are as follows:
- For the public and policy impact, the project will use an experimental method and develop Community Resilience Labs (henceforth ComRes) in all partner countries as the main channel of public impact with the aim of promoting resilient and sustainable communities, and local democratic governance models where diverse societal problems, such as climate change, socio-economic inequalities and gender and youth issues are discussed and common local solutions are sought.
- In all partner countries stakeholder expert panels will be formed.
- Preparing evidence-based policy briefs directly linked to the research findings.
- By using the kino-eye technique, the project will produce a “My [Resilience] Story” podcast/videocast series mapping Covid-19/lockdown experiences and coping strategies.
- In order to maximise its public impact, ENDURE will prepare a learning material “Resilience Companion” in an open access booklet form.
- Organizing a joint digital art gallery under the theme “community resilience”
- ENDURE will organize five academic workshops that will lead to special issues and/or edited volumes.
- ENDURE will use different social media channels
Team members
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