Aline Yuri Hasegawa

Aline Yuri Hasegawa is the Brazilian team’s ENDURE postdoc researcher at the Department of Science and Technology Policy at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, with a grant from São Paulo Research Foundation. Mother of Irene, player of the mixed football team "UNIÃO LAPA", activist of "A Craco Resiste", student of Capuera of "Escola
de Capuera, samba de roda and Creole drum Flor da Aroeira". Researcher and producer of projects in humanities, technologies, art and culture. Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Anthropology from IFCH/UNICAMP, Master's degree in Sociology from PPGS/UFSCar (FAPESP), Doctorate in Human and Social Sciences from PCHS/UFABC (CAPES). She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Oriental Letters at FFLCH / USP. She was also an educator at the Technology and Arts Space at SESC Birigui and SESC Avenida Paulista. General coordinator of the School Art Gallery of Diáspora Visual Arts Gallery. She is a producer at Peixe Lindo, where she directs the Siwati project and produces countercolonial coalition actions, with a special focus on feminisms and diasporas.