Maíra Rodrigues da Silva
Maíra Rodrigues da Silva gradutated in Biology, has a M.A., and is a Ph.D. candidate in Geosciences (IG/Unicamp). She is part of the Grupo de Pesquisa e Ação em Conflitos, Riscos e Impactos Associados a Barragens (CRIAB/UNICAMP), working on Physical and Biotic Environment working group. She is the advisor for the Equipe de Articulação e Assessoria às Comunidades Negras do Vale do Ribeira (EAACONE) and also works at the Centro de Estudo e Pesquisa Interdisciplinar em Matriz Africana (CEPIMA). She is a Quilombola from Ivaporunduva, Eldorado-SP. Her research interests are: peoples and traditional communities, sociotechnical disasters, environmental contamination, ecotoxicology and geochemistry.
Participant in Cluster 2.