Dr. Eric C. Jones
University of Texas Houston, El Paso, Texas, USA
Dr. Eric Jones earned his doctorate in Anthropology from the University of Georgia. He took a BA in Political Science at Hamline University, plus served in the Peace Corps in Guatemala. He conducts research on social aspects of wellbeing. A major focus of his studies is on human behavior and wellbeing in extreme circumstances (like disasters, warfare. migration, cancer, addiction), focusing on the role of relationships in stress, depression, anxiety, functioning, and economic recovery. Most of Dr. Jones' study focuses on how social networks assist or interfere with people's ability to recover or maintain their wellbeing after disasters or dangerous situations. The scientific community now has a better understanding of how networks of any given type might respond differently based on the context and disaster. In addition to postdisaster mental health and social support, his broad interest in collective action and social support has also led him to use social network analysis in several other contexts, such as drug and violence prevention coalitions, primary care coordination, formal and informal science education, and other interorganizational partnerships while focusing onheterogeneity to comprehend how collective action works. He has edited two books on disasters: The Political Economy of Hazards and Disasters and Social Network Analysis in Disaster Response, Recovery, and Adaptation. Dr. Jones' research has taken place across the southern United States as well as to other field locations in Tanzania, Ecuador, and Mexico. Additionally, he contributed to the development of social network analysis programs (EgoNet, VisuaLyzer, SocioScope, and SocioWorks) that are user-friendly for professionals in the healthcare industry and other relevant fields.
Lead in Cluster 5 and Co-Lead in Cluster 3 and 4.